Waves Approaching Shore

Picture waves, lots of them, approaching a shore. What comes to mind? The first thought could be of a picturesque image – beautiful blue and white waves gliding effortlessly to land. It is an eye-dazzling sight. A second thought may be about preparation. Is the shore ready for the waves? Is there something that needs to be done to embrace the waves? Let’s ponder this image for it is quite timely.

May Be Now

There is less than a month until June, the unofficial start of summer. So, millions of the nearly 19 million students in the U.S. will begin internships. This young wave of humanity will go to work at corporations, non-profits, foundations, and academic institutions. The students don’t know what to expect or how they’ll react, just as waves approach a shoreline traverse the water to an unknown shore. And, a student can be gently transformed into a contributing intern through a measured process, like a gradually sloping sandy beach.

It is not always so beautiful, however. A wave can bounce off and be repelled harshly just as quickly as it arrived if the beach is actually a seawall. The momentum and power of the wave can be dispersed and cease to be recognizable. So, too, a student may arrive excited and thrilled about the opportunity to intern only to be bounced back, leaving disheartened and disenchanted – enthusiasm evaporated. Who’s to say how a wave or an internship flows? You, gentle reader, if you are hiring interns, that's who.

Maybe now lots of actions can be taken. There is plenty of time to prepare for your intern...but how? Think about what you would want if you were the student about to start. You might want to answer a comforting call in the next week, before things start. On the call, you might hear about how things are going at the organization and what the plans are for you during the first two weeks. Maybe you learn about fellow interns joining, if any, and are warmly introduced to them. Perhaps you hear that on day one you’ll have access to everything you will need – an e-mail address, password, key card, W-9, and NDA – so you can start without losing your flow. Maybe you hear your manager say they are intentionally at work planning the projects you will be contributing to. There’s a social evening at a ballgame or a dinner out with other managers and interns that you find out about. These little things make a real difference by signaling that your manager values and respects you.


A wave can attenuate or weaken when it goes in all directions with only a tiny portion reaching its intended recipient. A wave in a waveguide however will go exactly where it is directed with nearly full power. So, as the manager, have you created a (wave) guide for your intern? If not, how do you expect them to know what to do and how to be during the internship? A guide can be invaluable.

Every year Agile Rainmakers hires interns from many of the top universities in the country. What do we find? There is an incredible amount of anxiety and fear of failure going on for them. There is a palpable lack of confidence, and these are the best of the best! If not addressed during the first week of the internship – or better yet, before the students even arrive – there will be avoidable challenges for the interns and managers to overcome. We are all emotional beings, right? So let the emotions get acknowledged, accepted, and given the space to be let go of. Then watch the true capabilities of these future leaders shine through with joy and fulfillment. Please create the welcoming space to foster a highly productive environment, as outlined in your intern guide.

Ah, but if only it were as simple as putting things down on paper. Alas, it is not. As the manager, you have to embody the guide. You have to operate consistent with it yourself. If there is an inconsistency between what you have written in your guide and how you conduct your business – making exceptions everywhere convenient or canceling meetings with the interns, for example – they will notice. And, unfortunately, the interns will learn that a career is just an inauthentic game of survival devoid of any real satisfaction and joy. They will receive the message: lie to yourself and others to make it. How do I know? A senior manager once lied to a partner over speakerphone saying he was busy in his office discussing work with three other partners. There were no partners there - it was just me. Why lie? It was Friday afternoon and he didn’t want to be bothered. Quite an impression for a new 21-year-old staff consultant. Let’s not create a future that lacks integrity. Be true to your intern guide and your vital role as their mentor.

Welcome To Shore

Are you out to impact careers and the future of business and organizations? Start with internships. That first taste of the working world is so impressionable, just like the first time doing anything. Now is the time to prepare for the interns coming to your organization. Stop. Think. Plan. Prepare. Consider sending a copy of How To Intern Successfully: Insights & Actions to Optimize Your Experience to your student before they become your intern. It could be a wonderful Pre-Read. Give them and yourself a winning chance to land ashore with grace and ease this summer.

There is nothing like a welcoming shore. It gives such a feeling of freedom and abundance. If you prepare now, with your guidance, you shore can wave them in successfully.

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


Wishing Well


Out of the Blue