Over the years, Rob has developed extensive experience as a speaker, interviewer, and podcast guest.
Follow the links and titles below to check out Rob’s published content on internships, business, lifestyle, and more!
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Speaking and Speechwriting
Known for his ability to mix humor with practical wisdom, Agile Rainmakers Co-Founder & CEO Robert J. Khoury customizes and prepares each and every presentation as if his life depended on it.
Because in his view, life does depend on our sharing with and supporting each other as best we can. It is his commitment that his successes, his failures, and all the experiences in between, are used to contribute to others.
Robert J. Khoury presenting at MarketsWiki Education World of Opportunity at the Stuart School of Business at Illinois Tech: “Interviewing and Career Tips for Your Future”. —Uploaded by John Lothian News (JLN) on September 13th, 2019.
Robert J. Khoury speaking at the Book Launch event for his new book, How to Intern Successfully, on April 23rd, 2022.
Robert J. Khoury discussing internships at a CAFE Conversation Event on July 26th, 2022.
Robert J. Khoury accepting the Princeton Club of Chicago Arnie Berlin Award, in April 2019.
Podcasts and Interviews
In addition to in-person events, Rob is occasionally asked to appear as a guest on a number of podcasts and virtual interviews.
Previous podcasts include: