The Great Realization

Many of our friends aren’t feeling great in their jobs these days. There is a palpable lack of fulfilment and satisfaction at work for many and that has led to a drought of vim felt around the office, domestic or otherwise. What does it mean? And what’s the creative water analogy?


Great news! There are about 50% more job openings now than unemployed people. That means just about anyone who wants a job can get one. Yay! But wait, every month millions of people are quitting their jobs. They are switching jobs or dropping out completely. As a result, this time is called “The Great Resignation”. One can’t help recall that classic song by Johnny Paycheck “Take This Job and Shove It.” I think the second stanza in the song says it all:

I've been workin' in this factory 
For now on fifteen years 
All this time I watched my woman 
Drownin' in a pool of tears 
And I've seen a lot of good folk die 
That had a lot of bills to pay 
I'd give the shirt right offa' my back 
If I had the guts to say

Take this job and shove it

The buildup of dissatisfaction has been a long time in the making. It has impacted loved ones at an emotional level. Many have worked themselves literally to death and not gotten ahead. If only they had the courage to break away, but alas, they don’t.

Today, with a tight labor market, workers have the power to say to their bosses, “Thanks, but no thanks.” It makes sense given inflation, paychecks not keeping up and lots of better opportunities out there. Leaving this pool where one is drowning for a new one is where it is at. Maybe.


Surprise! Actually, studies are showing that culture is a lot more responsible for people resigning than pay. Interesting. Could it be that when you love what you do and who you do it with, as long as the pay is good enough, you aren’t going anywhere? Could it be that being acknowledged and appreciated for your contributions at work weigh more than money?

On the other hand, try getting paid a lot while being treated like an inferior, disrespected throw away that isn’t listened to and is there basically to enrich uninspiring higher-ups, and you'll see your sense of dignity pull you out of there as soon as there is an opening and you can muster the courage to do so.

What is dignity? The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. Or a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect. If you search your heart and speak honestly, you know that your sense of dignity is worth a lot more than you might admit. We are talking about the essence of who you are. What your life is about and what your life is for. Finding that amour-propre is where it is at. If you have a manager who isn’t pulling for you, doing what they can to make you great, and truly nurturing you, maybe, just maybe, it isn’t worth it. Maybe the valued leader of the future is the one who isn’t all about themselves and actually shares the bounty.

The Great Realization

The current state of the world - with all kinds of variants (not just the biological ones) running amok - has shifted how we see things. Perhaps the loss of a loved one or our own freedoms has made life that much more precious to us. What do we have, maybe 100 years if we are lucky? There is a thirst to live life to the fullest now. There is a sense that this is it. I felt it. It is one of the reasons I wrote How To Intern Successfully. Wanting to write a book for decades and not doing so, I realized that with the pandemic – and all the extra time it afforded - it truly was now or never.

I would like to posit that we are not living in the Great Resignation. This is actually the Great Realization. We have all realized something about our time and dignity. Asked to do one too many things for the same or slightly higher pay without the afforded due respect and honor has made it as clear as a pool of water: It is time for fulfilment in work and life.

Find Your Pool

“Sometimes one day changes everything; sometimes years change nothing.”

No truer words have been spoken. Give up the idea of resignation and come to the realization that today is the day that could change everything if you start showering yourself with amour-propre and commit to treating others with dignity daily. If you did so, then your life would flow naturally just as water does with grace and ease until it finds its pool. Go ahead, I know you can do it. I am pooling for you.

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


Elements of Excellence


Reflective Emergence