Spring is for Serenity

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Every year March seems to come too soon. It may have to do with February being such a short month. Whatever it is, it may feel like the year is already slipping by leading to some stress. So suppose we lightened up, smiled, and simultaneously surveyed some business ideas today? Let’s have some fun and bring serenity to our day. You deserve it.

S is for…

Striding past a reservoir with suspended ice last week I saw a sinuous formation. The ice seemed to make the letter “S.” Was it a sign? It got me thinking about words that start with “S.”

Sales reigns supreme, no matter the business. Going concerns can do without nearly everything save for sales. Selling your product is essential, we all know that. What about selling your employees on staying? Or, selling your investors on your vision? Sales is an important element in business and life. Study sales with rigor and wonder just as you would your operations, the systems you use, or your policies and procedures. Then see your results skyrocket everywhere.

Stability, as in a steady hand with a clear purpose executed with integrity, is a sought after state of business. Steady, consistent effort seizes the day. Stability takes nerves of steel sometimes. Whether you are speaking to others, investing your resources, or planning ahead, it is best to bring consistency and stability to your ideas and actions. You will make the most progress that way over time because you will trust yourself more, and so will others.

Sisterhood and brotherhood are often-missed key factors for long term success in business and life. Who you choose as sounding boards and who you spend your time with have a sizable say in how strenuous your struggles are. Be circumspect when making commitments to others. Select your yokefellows patiently and intelligently, using sound judgment.

Si Opus Sit is Latin for “if there is need”. You may know it as: S.O.S. – the internationally recognized signal of distress. If stuck, ask for assistance. Single handedly sweating things out is suboptimal. Do you let your sense of pride stop you from asking for help? So what if you did request support? What’s the downside? Just do it, please. Nothing gets done by oneself. Nothing. Were your customers or clients created by you? Did you invent the payment system that stuffs your bank account? Closer to home, did you build your sink, sofa, stove, or skylight? Someone else did, and believe me, you need that person. Unless you are building spaceships, just about anything you are striving to accomplish has been done or solved by someone else. So, give it much more than the old college try, but if you get really stuck, remember, Si Opus Sit.

Sensing Where You Are

Recall we started the year with certain commitments for who we were going to be and what goals we intended to achieve. Mine were fitness and rejuvenation, curiosity and organization, integrity and abundance. As I look back on progress made during the first two months, I notice how much I actually haven’t been focused on those commitments. Many goals haven’t come to fruition. Maybe for you, you can’t even remember what you committed to for this year? Maybe for your business, you are just going through the motions in this Covid purgatory - the period of time between the uncontrolled mass spread and the vaccination solution. The questions I have for you are: “What are you sensing or paying attention to instead of your commitments? Can you let it go and have some productive fun, recommitting?”


In less than three weeks, spring will be here. Just as a frozen body of water melts in unique and unpredictable shapes, sometimes creating a letter of the alphabet, look at what in your business could naturally melt away, leaving you with creative possibilities.

Sense the subtle signals emanating from your sales channels and the people you interact with regularly. Ask yourself, “Am I bringing stability and serenity to things? Where could I use some help?” If you don’t want your year to slip away, focus again on your intentions for the year, sense what is going on, and speak with your sisters and brothers symbiotically. You may find a calmness within yourself.

Spring is for serenity.

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

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Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


Effortless Achievement


Beauty Present