Drinking Water

I imagine every reader was in a crib at some point early on in life. What a safe comforting space to get rest and feel prepared for what’s next. At the time, we may have been restless - perhaps a touch moodier - so we may not have appreciated the moment as we might now. The source of our rejuvenation was overlooked then and often is now.

Water Cribs

Chicago has six water cribs that can feed the city with clean drinking water. Each crib is a large cylindrical concrete structure situated miles offshore in Lake Michigan. The cribs filter water from the bottom of the lake and pipe it into the city’s drinking water system. Millions of people depend on these cribs. Some have been around since 1866. I recently snapped a breathtaking photo of a water crib as the sun hit it through the clouds beautifully one summer morning.

What I find interesting is that a baby is made up of about 75% water. It spends its time in a crib before going out into the world. Meanwhile, water rests at the bottom of a Chicago crib before being imbibed and becoming part of the people in the city. Chicagoans then venture out into the world, just as a mostly water-filled baby ventures out from its crib. This is crazy thinking, isn’t it? Water in a Lake Michigan crib is not the same as a Chicago baby in a crib.


Yet, this is an example of uncommon thinking about sources that is needed to solve problems in business and life. Tracing things back to the root may seem radical (Latin Origin: Radix, meaning “root”), or is it? What had a work project turn out so well? Why did something work better than expected? How come the results improved this year? Getting to the source allows for insights and even better choices for the future. This takes uncommon thinking, especially when things went well.

There are 4 months left in the year. When 2023 ended you had hopes and dreams for 2024. Where are they now? Have you gotten to the source of the successes (and failures) to date? What insights are you going to act on to end the year swimmingly?

For me, intense focus has been missing. I am narrowing down the number of projects so I can deliver the kind of excellence I know will have 2024 end the way I envisioned it would 9 months ago. It is now all about Strategic Business Partnering, whether as an advisor, executive coach, corporate facilitator, recruiter, or expert on internships. A miraculous ending is coming.

Photo Finish

It is time to rejuvenate yourself. Get to the source of how your year has gone. Put a plan in place to win 2024. Take focused action. Be intentional.

Where the drinking water you enjoy goes next is up to you. You know there are some cribs on Lake Michigan you can visit?

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


Springfield Compounded


Nothing But Blue Skies