
November is here, and naturally it is time to begin expressing gratitude for everything in our lives. Each of us feels a sense of thankfulness for all that’s been given to us throughout the year. This is felt from now through the end of the year, especially when many gifts are exchanged in December. It is predictable, and with it comes all the stories in the media talking about the difference gratitude makes. But what if we are actually missing the boat on gratitude? What might be found?

Benefits of Gratitude

We all know to express gratitude to our clients and customers during this festive season. This can take the shape of pointsettas, fruit baskets, chocolates, candies, books, discounts, and new product offerings. All given to say thank you for another year together. What wonderful experiences gratitude creates for both givers and receivers?

Ancient philosophers knew the difference gratitude made. Some said that gratitude is foundational. Cicero said, “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, it’s the parent of all the others.” So, we’ve known for millennia the importance of gratitude to any society. And recently researchers have quantified the positive impacts expressing gratitude has on us. Certain parts of our brains are activated positively when gratitude is expressed. This can show up as an increased ability to be patient, optimistic, and happy. These are but a few benefits of gratitude. We won’t get into all the other advantages including better sleep habits, increased strength, and a stronger community. All these marvelous benefits flow powerfully from this source called gratitude.

Non Quid Pro Quo

Here’s a question for you: Why do we focus on sharing the benefits and importance of gratitude when we already know them? Search the internet and you will find article after article justifying and validating the value of gratitude. It’s as if we need to convince ourselves and each other that it’s worth it. Express gratitude in order or have something else you really want. Why is this the case? We have something here that actually stands on its own. Gratitude doesn’t need to be a two-month annual ritual at year's end. Gratitude doesn’t need to be explained and thought of as a tool to get other things we want in life. Gratitude, like joy, is its own thing. Period.

Perhaps what’s really going on is we have forgotten we actually have little to do with all the abundance present in our businesses and lives. For some reason, we need to be reminded that our business exists within a larger ecosystem external to — and yet also including – our own. It exists only because customers demand our products. It exists due to resources we’ve called forth to produce something of extraordinary value – such as an innovative cane, a soul spa for women, a naturally-occurring miracle tree, a utility token, or a beautiful sink, to name a few. These customers, resources, and products weren’t created by us alone, were they? And hence the natural state of being is grateful. Maybe, gratitude is like water in that we need to be frequently reminded of its ubiquity and appreciate it for what it is – fundamental to our existence. Acknowledging and being present to gratitude, just like water, is the reality to live in moment to moment rather than being remembered, validated, and encouraged in its expression and utility annually.


I have found the most powerful reason to do anything is no reason. For no reason, I love what I love in life. For no reason, I chose to advise great companies and support interns from time to time. For no reason, you bestow on others your goodwill.

Maybe consider expressing gratitude for gratitude. You don’t need a reason or a season. Perhaps the boat we’ve been missing on gratitude is the fact that gratitude is the boat, the vessel carrying us through business and life?

Make bestowing gratitude a habit and a lifestyle. Thank you for being a loyal reader of this newsletter, with its beautifully accompanied blog.

Here's to you and your awesome future.

Until then, keep your feet on the board and keep riding your wave!

Robert J. Khoury

CEO Agile Rainmakers


A Canoe in the Ocean


A. B. Sea Ya!