How To Intern Successfully
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Agile In Action There (Intern Edition)
You know how there are things you feel deeply about regarding business and life that you wish others felt? Some things come naturally to you and you wish they would for the people you work with. Furthermore, how often have you realized there is a thought ravine between you and the people you want to get on board with your ideas? There must be ways to get your message through. How do you bridge this mental valley?

Mountain Springs (Intern Edition)
Our intention is always to expand your thinking. We do so by weaving water analogies with business and life. We often write about internships. Recall, this passion project is bringing dignity to the internship discourse. Intern Management, the second book in the internship series, is nearly ready. Like a mountain spring from which water and life flow, an excerpt from the prologue setting up key internship principles starts thus.

Team Wakeboarding (Intern Edition)
There are few things in life that give you that feeling of excitement and nervousness in your gut at the same time. These are the moments that you learn and grow while enjoying each obstacle along the way. This summer, I had the privilege of having many of these experiences, two of which really stand out to me.

Drops of Diligence (Intern Edition)
In the journey of self-improvement, it's easy to get lost in novel new ways to better oneself. For me, it's the new book I have to read, a new workout trend, or working on my morning routine. With so many options, and every one vouched for as “the one to try,” I wondered: everyone seems to have their thing that works, their own secret to success. What do all the success stories have in common?

A New Adventure (Intern Edition)
Interning at Agile Rainmakers is like surfing. Even though the place I call home is only a ten-minute drive from the beach, I never once learned how to surf. But on my walks along the shore, I do occasionally stop and watch the surfers ride the waves over and over again. I’d imagine that learning to surf is similar to learning how to ice skate or how to ride a bicycle. So, how are acquiring a new skill like surfing and interning similar?

Internship Chemistry (Intern Edition)
What is your idea of a typical internship environment? For me, this summer at Agile Rainmakers, I was fortunate to work in a supportive environment where I achieved my goals of building upon my communication, consulting, and professional skills and was also empowered by the strong bonds that I had formed with my manager, fellow interns, and clients.

Summer Riptide Reflections (Part Three)
In our last of this three-part series, we look at what it takes to get people involved in something extraordinary. Recall, you are aware of something amazing and you want to convey that to those close to you, but how? Given our society views the possibilities for interns and the work they accomplish as limited, the summer intern reflections are an excellent source for this inquiry. As you read, keep in mind this is what the interns said after working in Agile Rainmakers’ Summer Riptide program for just one month.

Summer Riptide Reflections (Part Two)
Utilizing summer intern reflections, we are continuing to inquire into what it takes to get others involved in something phenomenal. On the surface, this sounds like an easy thing to do. Who doesn’t want to get involved in something extraordinary, right? The reality is it just isn’t that simple, just as looking at the ocean surface tells you nothing about the activities beneath.

Summer Riptide Reflections (Part One)
Ever experience or feel part of something that was really amazing? What did you then do? You probably felt like sharing it with someone close to you. How did that go? They quickly accepted and embraced what you told them and asked you how they could get involved, right? Rarely. Life doesn’t work like that. So, what does it take to get others involved? Let’s explore this in a multi-part series by looking at what we found in some Summer Riptide reflections.

Water and Growth
All living things need water to grow. One way or another, in all endeavors, water is a required input for growth. And water can take lots of different forms. Every day, we use a product of water to learn and grow. Can you guess what that might be?

Lessons Learned (Intern Edition)
There are many lessons you learn for the first time as an intern. While at Agile Rainmakers over the winter, I quickly learned the importance of knowing what the client expects you to deliver. Returning to Agile Rainmakers as a private equity intern this summer, I learned that auditors do not change the valuation of companies until they raise a new round of funding, which can hide changes to a firm’s value in financial reports. Here, I cover three key lessons I learned about communication and clarity through my internship.

Riding The Crest (Intern Edition)
The sun just barely starts to peak over the horizon of the Pacific Ocean – its golden light warms a thick layer of billowing clouds floating in the far-off morning sky. The sound of the ocean swelling and breaking on the shoreline is tranquil and beautiful, but dangerous and powerful at the same time. It’s a meditative juxtaposition that’s reminiscent of the balance required for surfing – and my summer internship at Agile Rainmakers.

Embracing Progress (Intern Edition)
We live and work in a technology-driven, progress-seeking world. So, how does one define progress for themselves every day? And how does this affect our workdays and personal lives?

The Summer Closeout
I thought it would be useful to discuss a topic often missed in business that makes all the difference. That topic is bringing closure to things.

The Summer Riptide
Here’s how Agile Rainmakers evolved this summer to make the most out of this time and its unique challenges….